Objectives for 2012

Looking forward into 2012, the following are main objectives for the year:-

  • National Cancer Patient Experience Survey – to continue to respond to the replies received to our letters regarding concerns we had from the last years survey and we will be following up on the results from the new survey when they appear later this year.
  • Engage with each of the MDT teams – we wish to work closer with each of the teams to enable us to understand their work better, with this aim they have all been invited to attend our Forums on a monthly rota basis.
  • Discharge Information – we wish to ensure all of our cancer patients are receiving suitable discharge information
  • Information Prescriptions – we wish to fully engage with this initiative as it is introduced to the SaTH area later this year
  • Exercise for Cancer Patients – both the Chair and Vice Chair of the Forum will be on the Steering Committee for this Project which is going forward to Macmillan with a funding request.
  • Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre – continue to be involved in the development of this service to help ensure its success.
  • Cancer Survivorship – we will be heading up a number of initiatives under this topic during the year once further details have been provided to us.
  • Membership/Publicity – continue to identify ways to increase our existing membership and to inform more cancer patients of our existence and purpose.
  • Peer Review Trust Reports –  we will be anxious to ensure all suitable improvements are made when issues have been identified at the various Peer Reviews. We also attempt to have a Forum member attend each of the Internal Reviews when this is possible.