Current Work

National Cancer Patient Experience Survey
We were very interested in the recent National Cancer Patient Experience Survey and wanted to get involved in making improvements to the service resulting from this. We recently wrote to all the lead cancer clinicians to ask what is changing as a result of this survey.
We picked up the question “where you told you were entitled to free prescriptions? “; to improve the awareness of this we have designed a poster which the hospital is putting up in many places.  We have also sent one copy to each GP practice in Telford and Shropshire and asked them to put it up in the waiting room and one to every hospital in our area.  If you want a copy to put up somewhere, you can download if from this web site.

Prostate ongoing care book
Following the success of our Ongoing Care booklet for breast patients we are now working with the prostate support group and professionals from the hospital to produce a similar book for prostate cancer patients.

Exercise for cancer patients
We are interested in promoting exercise for cancer patients and are currently making enquiries about what is currently available, what are the training requirements for working with cancer patients and exercise.

Advertising materials
We’ve been busy producing new advertising materials, our new leaflets, postcards, cotton bags and even mugs printed. Everything we print has our new message on YOUR experiences could influence cancer services The mugs have gone to the chemotherapy day unit and the haematology ward, Seven Hospice and the Hamar Centre.
We’ve bought ourselves a mobile phone, which we are taking turns to hold – you may well find if you call us you have to leave a message 07504 120315 and we will get back to you and our own e mail address.

Macmillan cancer information and support centre
We have worked with the hospital to raise awareness of the need for a Macmillan information centre at the Princess Royal in Telford and we are really pleased that the hospital has just put in a bid to Macmillan for some funding to provide a Macmillan Cancer Information and support Centre at our Telford Hospital.
We are very excited about this project and fingers crossed that we get the funding we will be looking for volunteers to help run it.  Please contact us if you are interested.

If you are interested and you feel YOUR experiences could influence cancer services, why not give us a call or e mail us, we’d love to hear from you.

Sian Hallewell Chair